26th March marked the end of one of the most inspiring events in the Polish fashion industry – namely Cracow Fashion Week. Cohnpol was the business partner of this year’s edition run in the spirit of socially responsible fashion.

Cracow Fashion Week was organized by the International School of Fashion Design (SAPU) in partnership with the city of Cracow and Cracow Festival Office as well as with business support provided by Cohnpol company. This year, the chief slogan for the event was “FASHION &ECOLOGY”. Thus, young designers were able to not only express their artistic visions but also present their socially and ecologically responsible approach towards clothing design.
Conhpol is one of the few fully Polish companies to lead on the fashion market and provide products distinguished by their quality and modern design.
– Our engagement in Cracow Fashion Week results from our need to support young designers as well as support the world of fashion gradually developing in Poland. We believe that Polish designers and Polish fashion invention can be on a par with counterparts from across the globe – Italian, Paris and American. What is needed is the support from experienced companies functioning on this harsh market for a long time – they place artistic invention and designers’ talent above authentic, tangible effects – asserts Sebastian Konopka, co-owner of the company.

Besides the obvious artistic motives, there was also an additional motivation which encouraged Conhpol to cooperate with CFW – the need to support universities and young designers with an aware approach from experienced entrepreneurs.
For graduates, studies ought to be an opportunity to gain profound knowledge but also industry know-how. Such approach towards business partnership allows both sides to gain profit – young adepts have the chance to get acquainted with the practical, business-related part of the industry that they wish to develop in while the company has the opportunity to discover new, fresh talents that are worth supporting in their development and whose passion and skills can become the key for maintaining global levels and market competiveness in the future.
– The learning process, in order to be complete, besides knowledge on art also ought to include a practical business element. Only then, that is during cooperation between young talents and experienced entrepreneurs, can we count on the dynamic development of the Polish fashion industry – adds the company’s co-owner.