It takes as many as 70 people to create 1 pair of shoes
Shoes are our showcase
Shoes are some of the most important elements of our garments. We take care of them and we gladly buy new ones; some of us even collect them. Shoes are our showcase. Do we know how they are manufactured, or how many people are involved in the process? How to tell high-quality shoes from cheap Chinese goods? Klaudia Konopka from Conhpol elite can help us.
Shoes are some of the most important parts of our garments and in fact, we cannot do without them. How are they manufactured and how to choose the good ones?
Being aware what shoes are made from
Polish people like good shoes. They buy brand shoes, made from leather, hoping that they will be able to wear them comfortably for a long time. This is quite a justified attitude. “We should choose manufacturers and tanners who use Polish and European raw materials. The leather used in shoe making industry should satisfy all European standards and ensure safety. It cannot contain any heavy metals such a lead, mercury, or nickel, which are dangerous to health. This applies to all elements of the shoes – from soles, through the leather, lining finishing with glue. Pay special attention to the lining – it has direct contact with our skin,” explains Klaudia Konopka from Conhpol elite.

Who by and where are our shoes made?
There has been a growing tendency among consumers to choose Polish manufacturers. We are no longer admiring western brands because we have found out that such shoes or clothes are not always of superior quality. Now customers want elegant, high-quality products, which they will be able to wear for work and which will simply be smart. “This is the goal which cannot be achieved by buying Asian shoes for PLN 40, which after a fortnight will fall apart and there will not even be anyone to lodge a complaint to. Let us choose domestically produced shoes because here we really have high-class specialists exporting their products all over the world. For 40 years, Conhpol has supplied shoes to Polish customers made in Poland, finished manually following a complex manufacturing process; before the shoes reach the end user the product is handled by as many as 70 individuals! What do they do? Well, among other things, they cut suitable materials, sew the uppers and lining, finish and stamp the lining, burn the threads, form the shape, stud, wax and polish the shoes. And it is all but a part of the many actions that needs to the performer to finish the shoes. So many people are involved to make sure that customers from Poland, Europe and other parts of the world can wear high quality, comfortable and beautiful shoes,” adds Klaudia Konopka from Conhpol elite.

An ideal match for the occasion
Shoes are a showcase for men and women. Especially in the world of business or showbusiness, where what you wear is frequently commented by others. So, when choosing your shoes think about when and where you are going to wear them. “Let’s choose elegant all-timers such as black or nude high-heels or leather boots. They match nearly all garments and every businesswoman can reuse them many times. Fashionists may afford colorful patterns and a little more folly. Gentlemen’s must-haves include a pair of good oxford shoes, moccasin type shoes or other, elegant and smart footwear,” recommends Klaudia Konopka.